It takes courage to stand in our own circle and live in our own power.
The sunny Persian buttercup, also known as Ranunculus asiaticus, conjures images of the warmth of spring, meadows of brightly coloured flowers, and happy days frolicking amongst friends in the great outdoors. However, in my garden they grow in pots in a sunny north facing courtyard, a splash of bright yellow against white-washed walls. They never fail to bring joy as I sit in the sunshine and contemplate the deeper meaning of life over a cup of tea. Many pleasurable days have been spent with the sun warming my heart, my journal spread open on the mosaic topped table before me and pen in hand, taking inspiration from the dazzling blooms before me. Even the darkest moments seem to lift as their bold and elegant beauty lightens my load.
Whilst this stunning Persian buttercup is fully open, resplendent in its glorious golden raiment and bathing gracefully in the power of the sun, it began as a graphite rendition of the bloom. The stark beauty of the monochrome vision laid a solid foundation, a clearly delineated structure that could stand alone or provide the base for a more expansive entity, bolder, brighter and more powerful.
As the buttercup slowly evolved, petal by petal, tentative steps of the palest yellow began to build strength and unleashed splashes of brilliance imbued with effervescent energy, yet grounded by a gentle hand on the shoulder from quiet neighbours who remained steady and strong. Yet protecting her developing heart is always a priority, allowing it to grow and mature within a loose trio of petals, like the flaps of canvas on a marquee sheltering those within from the storms that inevitably rage.
Persian Buttercup
Evolving from graphite to her full golden glory
The ranunculus is a clever flower with three cute little inner petals safeguarding the vulnerable masses of slender bright green carpels patiently waiting to receive pollen from another flower to begin the process of fertilization. Boldly, the pollen laden anthers at the end of each filament reach beyond the cosy nest, making it necessary for pollinating insects to brush past them as they seek the sweet reward in the nectaries at the base of each petal. And the nectaries have cleverly evolved to be covered by a scale-like flap that restricts entry to insects who are the most effective pollinators by shaping the flap so that only their mouths can access the dulcet treat.
Sheltering our own tender and emotional centre whilst making sure it is still visible and an essential part of our being is as important as stepping forward into the wider world and making our presence known. And, like the delicate bloom, it’s crucial to discern between those we wish to allow into our lives who will facilitate our growth and development and others who are just passing who will sap our precious energy if we let them.
The lovely golden yellow flower, with its endless layers of frills and flounces, like the full skirt of a voluminous Victorian petticoat, reminds me of the many layers of our persona that we must sift through to find the gold buried deep within. The light that shines on the petals also creates shadows, places that hold secrets, dark within depths rarely seen. Yet delving further into these spaces casts light on the unknown, dispelling the veil to reveal amazing beauty that remains hidden from sight till we dare to search for it. If we can bring ourselves to peer into the shadows and embrace the fears that lie within, then the twilight of knowledge brightens and lightens our lives.
Ultimately, the bloom comes into its full golden glory, bold, rich and beautiful, petals outstretched, open and welcoming, proud to reveal her magnificence. The brightness makes the shadows seem darker, yet this enhances the presence of her inner mystery, that which holds fear and gold as one and the same. In her full power she is whole, as she is meant to be, glowing as she gazes at the limitless azure sky.
We too can grow into our own skin, stand proudly within our own circle and live fearlessly in our own power.