
The convolvulus flower is a wonderful metaphor for completing the cycle of giving and receiving, speaking and listening, qualities that are essential to transcend inequality and injustice.  

Convolvulus flowers

There is something arresting about a wild sea of soft mauve convolvulus flowers punctuated by frothy mounds of furry blue green leaves as it trails its way across the ground.  Convolvulus sabatius, also know as ‘ground morning glory’ after the dazzling blue trumpet shaped blooms of its tropical cousin, twists and turns on itself like water eddying around rocks in the shallows, whilst the blooms seem to ride high on the crests of waves, filled with the joy of a fresh breeze pirouetting them along in a lighthearted dance. 

The flowers speak of a vibrant energy and openness, their fused petals turning back on themselves, candidly revealing the centre that is so vital to their survival.  In their cleverness they have evolved two tall stamens and three short ones to welcome insects of different sizes to collect and carry pollen to other flowers, as well as a bifid or two pronged stigma, the female reproductive part, to increase the surface area available to receive pollen and increase the likelihood of successful fertilization. 

The forward facing bloom in this painting looks like a purple wheel with slightly twisted spokes that suggest it’s turning anticlockwise, the direction that represents receiving in the spinning energy wheels of the ancient chakras.  The tightly furled buds reflect the beginning of this process, learning to unwind and open as they grow and mature.  The upward facing bloom recalls an image of an old gramophone speaker, emitting and amplifying sound so that it can be clearly heard, completing the cycle of listening and speaking, receiving and giving. 

Convolvulus Sketchbook.jpg

It’s timely to be reminded by nature of the necessity to be open and welcoming to all our fellow humans regardless of race, colour, gender, culture, socioeconomic status, power or size as we all depend on each other for survival.  It’s imperative that we listen openly and honestly to others expressing their diverse beliefs, viewpoints and opinions, and respect them for who they are, as equals, with the right to be treated as we expect others to treat us.  And in our turn to speak and be heard with kindness, compassion and caring. 

The global catastrophe from a rogue virus witnessed in the last few months has shown us that we are all inter-connected, that lines of supply and links in the chain of cause and effect impact every last person on the planet.  Everyone has an important role to play, from those doing tireless emergency work to the truck driver delivering goods, the seamstress making our clothes to the gym instructor helping us to stay healthy, and the musician bringing us joy and relaxation to the actor entertaining and edifying us.        

Our lives are always moving and changing, twisting and turning in unexpected directions, teaching us to give and take and flow with the eddy of the tide.  Although it’s not always easy, the vibrant purple blooms of the convolvulus remind us that if we can navigate the sea of confusion, disharmony and injustice, and embrace respect, equality and openness, both individually and collectively, we can all grow and mature in the way we treat each other so that every one of us can experience peace and joy in our lives.